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Category: General Health and Well-being

May 21, 2024
Health screening being held at new clinic opened by TV’s Dr Hilary Jones

Can measure the concentration of carotenoid nutrients from a visitor’s fingertip in less than a minute

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April 8, 2024
Why sunlight eye protection is so important for young and teenage children

Its not just a case of slapping on sun tan lotion kid’s eyes need protecting

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March 14, 2024
Specsavers optometrist providing essential eye care in Kenya

Tony leaves for Kenya soon spending two weeks running an eye clinic in Thigio

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March 14, 2024
Where you must wait the longest for a GP appointment in England

NHS Gloucestershire patients have to wait the longest for a GP appointment

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February 7, 2024
MP champions the role of optometrists

The roundtable discussion was facilitated by Dr Peter Hampson,

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February 6, 2024
New Specsavers ‘should’ve’ tv campaign ‘airport’ 

New ad with the comedic emphasis being on visual humour.

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January 16, 2024
Campaign in Scotland launched for Greater Safety

Raising awareness about vision and driving and encourage older drivers to get an eye examination

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January 12, 2024
Increasing Heart Failures likely by 2024

42% more older adults in Europe at risk of structural heart disease by 2040

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January 12, 2024
Report reveals deskwork is a real eye-sore for UK office workers

Tiredness was the leading reason people are unproductive at work,

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January 12, 2024
The most common medical mistakes in the NHS, and when they are more likely to happen 

Shocking new research has discovered the most common medical mistakes, or ‘Never Events’, in NHS hospitals,

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